founders blog

hope | founders blog

by | Mar 1, 2020 |, Everyday Spirituality: The Blog | 2 comments

The other morning I woke up super early… it was going to be an old school crazy day, a Survivor application video day… the internet was out (meaning a lengthy Verizon call), I was walking two kids to the elementary school (one 7:45 drop, one 8:15 drop), I was helping hang seaweed for the HS play at 10, at 3:30 three huge jellyfish costumes had to get to the HS, I was preparing and delivering dinner to church for their tv production crew (for an online show called which is brilliant and all things good). I work full time… and I was hoping to spend the evening doing the taxes (quite the wild woman).

I went to feed the cats and noticed the basement floor was very dark… it was dark because it was VERY wet. The hot water heater had sprung leaks in every direction, a wacky sitcom situation at hand. Greg came down and we started cleaning, and yelling at each other, and cleaning. As this lovely married couple insanity was going on my little morning charge showed up for his walk to school. Thankfully his mom is the most aware human ever, she said, “good luck, I can take him today, bye”. I love hyper aware people.

Cleaning continued until my phone alarm went off again, time to walk my little bit neighbor to school for Greek Day.

Walking other peoples kids to school is awesome. They are not mine so I have the patience of a saint, I listen, I don’t have a clue if their backpack has the necessary items, there have been no arguments about brushing teeth, we chat and have a blast. If I could only be as kind to my own children… Jacob and Olivia I apologize for being your mother and not your next door neighbor or babysitter.

Anyway, this little bit was so excited about Greek Day. I asked her what it was all about… “well, Greeks are old ancient people, they wear all white under their togas so I am wearing all white, I need to get there early to get the rest of my clothes, I don’t just wear the white underthings. We will go from room to room doing activities. My favorite activity is our play. I am so excited. We have parts. We raised our hand to get our parts, first I got something else but then my friend switched with me, she might not be there because she has her sisters play, she has so many sisters, and I am so happy with my part.”
I ask her what part she is playing.

“I am HOPE. Hope is important.”

And with that little statement I knew the internet would be back, the hot water heater replaced, seaweed hung, food served, jellyfish delivered, and life was just a beautiful thing.

Hope is so important. Have a great day.

(This blog is from Kat Nemec’s blog “Swooning” – taken with her permission to share on our founders blog. Her website is if you want to read more thoughtful and reflective blogs from her.)

Kat Nemec

Kat is a graphic designer who thinks good things come from crafts, kids, collaboration, and an open mind.


  1. Debbie Bronkema

    I love this unexpected take on hope!

  2. Jane Wong

    Thank you for your ever so Kat-like blog post and yes, we need to keep talking about hope at this dark time in our history. Hope and love will ultimately prevail. Faith is good too


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