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gallery: hope

Summer Lillies | Watercolor & Gouache | Zech Ray

by | Apr 27, 2021 | Hope, Look

Watercolor & Gouache, 10×14″, March 31, 2021

I initially started this piece a few years ago during the summer, and let it fall by the wayside one it was about 80% finished. Leafing through my stack of watercolor paintings recently, I found it and was once again caught up by what it could be if I finished it. Lillies are some of my favorite flowers to paint, and I always look forward to their appearance every spring & summer. Often times, during the colder winter months, when I’m thinking fondly of warmer weather, my thoughts turn to the annual arrival of the Lillies and the many opportunities I will have to paint them once again. This, to me, is a form of hope. Thinking of good things – of bright colors to paint – soon to come.

Zech Ray; Berrien Springs, Mi

Other Gallery: Hope Entries

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