Our Mission
Connect.faith is a space unbound by location where creativity, spirituality and justice meet. We are a place for people seeking a spiritual connection with God and with each other, primarily online. We value exploring, questioning and growing in faith. We encourage discovering what it means to you to be part of a spiritual community, and hope to make a space where people of all beliefs can be at peace together and learn from each other.
Our community represents a wide variety of faith backgrounds, racial and ethnic backgrounds, LGBTQIA+ identities, ages, careers, and locations. We are part of the 1001 New Worshiping Community movement of the Presbyterian Church USA.
Rev. Dr. Debra Bronkema
Leader of connect.faith
Our Staff
Ike Sturm
Leader of Finding Our Way Home
Chris Dingman
Leader of Transformations
Chanda Rule
Leader of The Courageous Voice Podcast
January 27-29th or January 31-February 2nd
Cedarkirk Camp & Conference Center
Lithia, Florida
Writing Toward Wholeness Retreats
Writing toward wholeness leads us to explore the power of story to transform lives. Through reflecting on the intersection points between creative and spiritual formation, our hope is to help you unlock opportunities for growth in your relationship with yourself, other people, and God.
Leader: Rev. Dr. Debra Bronkema
Progressive Christian Literature
Connect.faith has published an anthology of Progressive Christian Literature! This anthology comes to you from connect.faith, an organization made up of people who are looking for a place to exercise their spirituality through creativity and justice. It has given people a chance to share their literature, their stories, their poems, their memories in their version of what it means to write progressive Christian literature. We hope you will find your own story in their words and know that we are on a journey together to spread God's love in this broken and hurting world.
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