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Midweek Meditations
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Singing in December
by Pastor Debra Bronkema | December 11, 2024 |, Everyday Spirituality: The Blog
December 11, 2024
Singing in December
Isaiah 12:5 Sing praises to the LORD, for God has done gloriously; let this be known in all the earth.
Singing in December
I love singing. I love to sing, and I love to hear other people sing. There’s something about singing that takes us out of whatever we were doing before the music started. In the world in December, Christmas music is everywhere. In the Church – it’s often about the anticipation – preparing the way – letting ourselves dream about what the birth of Christ might mean in the world we live in today.
During December of 2020, when worship was online for many, if not most of us, I felt great joy when I heard from person after person that they and their families sang the songs in their living rooms, joining in the music, with all that they had in them. Whether or not they thought of themselves as singers – those songs caused them to want to sing out loud. I think we were all grateful to know that though we may have been alone in our houses, we were not alone in a world that was waiting to see the light break in.
December 2024 has its own identity in terms of anticipation and preparation. Whatever way we are feeling as this year comes to an end, we can sing. We can sing of the glory of God, how it broke into the world long ago, and how it can break into our world now – person by person - house by house –congregation by congregation – song by song.
Reflection Questions:
1) What is your favorite December song?
2) What song do you love to hear groups of people sing?
3) Is there a song that tells God’s story for you this year?
Prayer: Dear God, Thank you for your many gifts! Help us to sing of your love, light and hope breaking into the world this December. In Jesus Name, Amen