Hearing Joy and Gladness

Psalm 51:8

Let me hear joy and gladness.

Hearing Joy and Gladness

The Psalm this verse comes from is about what comes after recognizing our mistakes and letting God show us the way to forgiveness. It’s about being ready to change direction in our lives and let go of the things that separate us from God. In the midst of turning their life around, I love that the Psalmist is praying for the gift of hearing joy and gladness. They want to be surrounded on their path in a way that lifts them up.

What does joy and gladness sound like in your imagination? Is it music? Or laughter? Is it silence? Is it worship as people gathered together to celebrate God’s love? Whatever this particular chapter of our faith journey looks like, I imagine we always have a need to hear joy and gladness. May we make space that lets our souls be filled up with images, and sounds, with smells and textures and tastes that remind us of the gift of living life on the foundation of God’s love.

Reflection Questions:

1) What do you imagine the sound of joy and gladness to be?

2) Do you remember a time when the sound of joy lifted your spirits?

3) How could you be part of a joyful noise in your life today?

Prayer: Dear God, I am so thankful for the gift of senses that open me up to appreciate the gifts of your creation. Particularly today, I give thanks for the sounds of joy and gladness in my life. Amen


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