Walking in Integrity

October 2, 2024

 I walk in my integrity;

    redeem me and be gracious to me.

 My foot stands on level ground. Psalm 26 11b-12a

Walking in Integrity

What does walking in integrity mean? What do those words suggest to you? I think about people who live in their truth – being genuine to who they are. Or another aspect of walking in integrity that comes to my mind is being a person of honor – your word means something. If you say you’ll be there – people know you’ll be there. People can rely on you if you are a person who walks in integrity. 

The writer of this Psalm says my foot stands on level ground.  In a prayer, a conversation with God, the Psalmist is saying I don’t try to be more than I am or believe that I am in control of everything. I am where I am, and I am who I am, and I believe that’s who you want me to be. I ask for your grace – because I have tried to live my life in a way of truth, and in a path of honesty.  My foot stands on level ground.

In our time we are tempted to think that being on top in material things, and winning over whoever we see as our competitors is the point of life. It feels refreshing to hear someone lifting up the idea that the best they had to give was a walk of integrity, with their feet on level ground.  May it be so for you and for me.

Reflection Questions:. 

1)    What do you imagine when you picture someone walking in integrity? 

2)    Do you feel like your feet are on level ground in your life at this moment?

3)    Since life is lived one day at a time, try spending some time in prayer considering the day ahead of you, anticipating where you want to ask for God’s help to walk in integrity and keep your feet on level ground. 

Prayer: Dear God, Help me to pay attention to the opportunities that I have to live genuinely and faithfully today.  In Jesus Name, Amen


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