contribute to the blog’s vision is to create spiritual community, unbound by location for people who are seeking connections in faith, particularly in the places where creativity, spirituality and justice meet. We hope to make a space where people of all beliefs can be at peace together and learn from each other.

If you have created something that meets people in that intersection, we’d love to share it!

We’ve published fiction, non-fiction, prose and poetry. We’ve love to share digital and physical art you created. We are excited to explore creativity, spirituality and justice in all parts of the human experience.

Keep in mind, we receive far more submissions that we can publish. Please practice patience and understanding if we are slow to respond to every submissions.

In general, there is a written portion and a visual portion of each blog post. If you are struggling to find a visual portion, with proper copyright attribution, please submit the written portion alone.

Blog Submission Form

  • Please include a brief bio here. Also, feel free to include any social media links you would like shared with our audience.
    *This text will not be included in published submission, unless otherwise noted.

  • This can be an image, video or audio submitted along with a written submission above.
    .jpg, .gif, .png, .pdf, .mov, .m4v, .mp4, .mp3, .wav files accepted.

    Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, mov, m4v, mp4, mp3, wav, Max. file size: 16 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.