What to Bring?

What to bring on the journey?

These were Jesus‘ instructions (to his disciples as he sent them out two by two): “Take nothing for the journey except a staff—no bread, no bag, no money in your belts.” Mark 6:8

What to Bring?

I’ve been thinking about this passage, and imagining how it would have felt to be a disciple and hear these words. Take nothing? Rely totally on the kindness of strangers? Granted the spirit of hospitality in those days was more present. People would invite strangers to stay more often than we do now. But still, no bread, no bag, no money? That seems extreme for the part of me that likes to plan and be prepared.

The one thing they can take is a staff. Why? What do we know about staffs? Well - a staff, like a cane, helps our sense of balance and supports us on the journey. A staff helps us walk without falling and gives us something to lean on when we are tired. Jesus’ invitation to bring a staff acknowledges that the path the disciples will be walking isn’t going to be easy or smooth.

One more thing about this journey. They do not go alone. Two by two they walk into the unknown. Two by two they spread the love of God that Jesus has been showing them all along. Two by two they point people toward new life, inviting them to turn away from the things that are draining their souls and separating them from God.

Reflection Questions:

1) What journey do you feel like you are being invited to take?

2) What would serve as a staff on your journey?

3) Is there someone you believe would be a good partner on this journey?

Prayer: Dear God, Help me to see where you want to send me. And help me to leave behind the things I think I need, that will get in the way. In Jesus Name, Amen


The Company of Seekers

