Everyday Spirituality: The Blog

Psalm 8:3-4

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars that you have established;
what are humans that you are mindful of them,
mortals that you care for them?


What does stargazing make you think about?  Do you have a memory, laying in the grass, noticing the beauty of a moonlit night, seeing the constellations you’d heard about but never seen before?  Do you think of a trip to a planetarium – where the stars felt close enough to touch? This image from the Psalmist feels relatable to me, as the stars in the heavens do leave me filled with awe, and make me curious about a God who can be both bigger than I can possibly imagine, and care about something smaller than I can see.

In the awe that we feel at the wonder of creation, there is an invitation to believe that God is capable of both big and small works of love.  The stars in the sky point us toward both reverence for a God who is other than us, and gratitude for God in Jesus, who knows what it is to be us.

May the glory of God’s gift of creation, and thanksgiving for the light of the stars that shine in our lives remind us that we matter to God.

Prayer: Dear God, Open my eyes to the glory of your creation, and let it point me toward thanksgiving for your love for each of us.  Amen

Reflection Questions:

  1. Do you have a childhood memory of looking at the stars?
  2. Check out the night sky this week and see what you notice.
  3. Take some time to be thankful that the Creator cares about each of us.

Debbie Bronkema

Debbie is excited by the power of story to transform lives. Through her work as a pastor, author, retreat leader, and group facilitator, her hope is to plant seeds that encourage people to grow in their relationship with themselves, each other, and God.


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