Everyday Spirituality: The Blog

What We Carry With Us | blog

by | Nov 22, 2023 | connect.faith, Everyday Spirituality: The Blog | 0 comments

Psalm 56:9

This I know, that God is for me.

I still remember the day my very scholarly, brilliant, respected by all Professor at Princeton Theological Seminary got out his wallet and showed us the very worn piece of paper that had this verse written on it by hand. He said, “When I read this verse for the first time, I knew I would need to carry it with me for the rest of my life. In the midst of great trouble and pain, the Psalmist wrote these words. Not on the days of triumph, but on the days when his tears were flowing freely, when he felt everyone was against him. In that moment he still affirmed his trust in God. And I knew in the moment of reading these words, that that was how I wanted to live my life. No matter what, I trust that God loves me, cares for me, wants the best for me. That is the foundation.”

The Professor carried the words in his wallet, because he knew that in life there would be times he might forget the decision he had made. There would be days of doubt. There would be days of suffering. Getting out the words and seeing their truth – that made a difference.

In all of our days, we too can choose to believe. We can turn ourselves toward God, and say yes – “This I know, that God is for me.” We can trust in the heart of God loving us, seeing us in our joy and in our pain, and being there through it all.

Prayer: Please help me O Lord to see what you would have me see, and do what you would have me do. And through it all, help me trust in you. Amen

Reflection Questions:

  1. Do you have particular words of scripture that remind you of God’s love for you?
  2. What helps you know that no matter what you are not alone in your life?
  3. Where would you put words you didn’t want to forget?

Debbie Bronkema

Debbie is excited by the power of story to transform lives. Through her work as a pastor, author, retreat leader, and group facilitator, her hope is to plant seeds that encourage people to grow in their relationship with themselves, each other, and God.


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