Everyday Spirituality: The Blog

Mark 1:16-17

As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the sea–for they were fishermen.17 And Jesus said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.”

Being Seen

This is one of those passages that bring back childhood memories for me. I remember songs we sang about this incident, this moment in time when Jesus called Simon and Andrew to follow him. Simon and Andrew were people who fished for a living. When I think about what it takes to fish, I think of a willingness to try new places, to be patient, to work hard, to get up early in the morning, to do whatever needs to be done. Jesus told them that he saw them, that he wasn’t calling them to be someone else. They weren’t supposed to be different from who they were. He was calling them to do what they do in a new way – with a new purpose.

What a gift to be seen, to be appreciated for their skills and their gifts. Simon and Andrew followed him, ready to go where he would lead, into a new world. They probably had no idea what fishing for people meant, but they trusted that this new road was one that they were ready to walk. Wherever we are this morning, I hope we feel seen, and valued, and invited into a journey that gives us the opportunity to be everything we are.

Prayer: Dear God, Thank you for the way you see the real us. Help us to be comfortable in our own skin, knowing that you are with us in this journey. In Jesus Name, Amen

Reflection Questions:

  1. What skills or gifts do you have that are key to people understanding who you are?
  2. Do you let the people in your life see all of who you are?
  3. What invitation do you think God would make to you this morning?

Debbie Bronkema

Debbie is excited by the power of story to transform lives. Through her work as a pastor, author, retreat leader, and group facilitator, her hope is to plant seeds that encourage people to grow in their relationship with themselves, each other, and God.


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